
Life's pretty good for me, and it doesn't seem unreasonable to give a little bit back.* So I started a care centre for children with cerebral palsy in Chisinau Moldova, initially using royalties from my book Playing the Moldovans At Tennis. Subsequently I made a feature film to further raise funds. For more information click below.

*In fact if you want my full take on this, then take a look at my Ted Talk here:

I've always loved tennis and was lucky enough to have bunked in on the last five minutes of my Dad's tennis lessons in the park when he took up the game aged forty. Dhowing promise, I reached the career high ranking of No 2 in Sussex, which made me 2,000,4567th in the world. It disappoints me that the game fails to reach people from different backgrounds, so I set up tennisforfree. Read kore below.

Care Center in Moldova

Tennis For Free